
London’s Big Ben to stop chiming for repairs 伦敦大本钟停止报时 进行维修

Gorilla surprise at Prague Zoo 布拉格动物园大猩猩生子 众人惊喜


Here in London, the chimes of Big Ben are going to fall silent next year because the famous parliamentary clock tower – the Elizabeth Tower – needs essential repairs. This sound has chimed almost uninterrupted for about 150 years but it’s only going to be reserved for special occasions. It’s part of a project that’s going to cost more than $US40m. The tower is going to be partially cladin scaffolding for about three years… the last significant repair work on Big Ben – that was more than 30 years ago.


Let’s go to Prague Zoo, because visitors have had their first glimpse of this little baby gorilla. Her birth took everyone by surprise. Nobody had even noticed that her 24-year-old mum Shinda was pregnant. Shinda had already had a number of miscarriages – being a little overweight she wasn’t expected to ever have a baby. The delivery went well. She and her new-born baby are said to be doing very well.



fall silent






fall silent / scaffolding / glimpse / delivery

1. The strong winds caused the ________ to collapse, damaging cars on the street below.

2. I was with my wife when she ________ our second child.

3. Millions of people ________ to remember those who had died in war.

4. Crowds lined the streets of Windsor to catch a ________ of the Queen on the eve of her 90th birthday.


1. The strong winds caused the scaffolding to collapse, damaging cars on the street below.

2. I was with my wife when she delivered our second child.

3. Millions of people fell silent to remember those who had died in war.

4. Crowds lined the streets of Windsor to catch a glimpse of the Queen on the eve of her 90th birthday.

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