People killed for defending their land 环境保护者因捍卫家园而死亡
Juno space probe success 美国国家航空航天局“朱诺”探测器成功切入木星轨道
2015 was the most dangerous year on record for people around the world trying to protect their land and the environment. That’s the conclusion of a new report from the campaign group Global Witness. It says Brazil was particularly badly affected with at least 50 people killed protecting forests and land from illegal loggers and miners.
对于世界各地试图保护自己的土地和环境的人来说,2015是有史以来最危险的一年。这是“全球见证”(Global Witness)这家活动组织的新报告得出的结论。根据这项报告,巴西受影响尤为严重,至少有50人为保护森林及土地不被非法伐木者和矿工破坏而死亡。
After a five-year space journey, NASA’s Juno probe has arrived at its destination. No previous spacecraft has passed so close to Jupiter before because of its intense radiation. Now that it’s orbiting Jupiter, Juno will start studying how the gas giant was formed. The probe will circle the planet for 20 months before destroying itself by diving into the radioactive atmosphere.
on record史上记载的
on record / loggers / orbiting
1. Politicians are meeting to discuss concerns that illegal ________ is leading to high levels of deforestation.
2. The International Space Station has been ________ the Earth with a human crew for more than 15 years.
3. Financial experts are worried after the pound hit the lowest rate against the dollar ________.
1. Politicians are meeting to discuss concerns that illegal logging is leading to high levels of deforestation.
2. The International Space Station has been orbiting the Earth with a human crew for more than 15 years.
3. Financial experts are worried after the pound hit the lowest rate against the dollar on record.