Charity offers surplus food to homeless 英慈善机构利用多余食材为流浪者提供饭菜
Steepest street turns into tourist attraction “世界上最陡的街道”成为游览胜地
A large spread of ingredients destined for the trash. This was all rescued by volunteers in London. Because of food handling laws, there’s no meat. Nevertheless, it’s transformed into free healthy meals and served to many living in social isolation and poverty. FoodCycle is a charity with close to thirty hubs across the UK. The UN estimates that roughly a third of all food produced for humans goes uneaten.
这一桌桌数量庞大的食材终究难逃被扔进垃圾箱的命运。然而,伦敦的志愿者们将其全部回收利用了起来。由于食品操作法的相关条例,他们发放的食物中不包括肉类。尽管如此,志愿者们把这些原本会被浪费掉的食物做成了免费健康的饭菜,送到很多与社会隔离的人和贫困的人们手中。发起这次活动的是在全英拥有近三十家分站的慈善机构 FoodCycle “食物循环”。据联合国估算,约有三分之一为人类生产的食物会沦为剩饭。
This New Zealand street is officially the world’s steepest residential road. Baldwin Street in the city of Dunedin has an inclination of 35 degrees and has been attracting many visitors. It’s irresistible for daredevils on bikes. It’s also the stage for an annual charity event in which 30,000 chocolate balls are rolled down the road.
social isolation
social isolation / daredevil
1. “Evel” Knievel was an American __________ famous for riding through fire walls, jumping over rattlesnakes and flying over Greyhound buses on his motorcycle.
2. __________ is associated with a higher risk of death in older people.
1. “Evel” Knievel was an American daredevil famous for riding through fire walls, jumping over rattlesnakes and flying over Greyhound buses on his motorcycle.
2. Social isolation is associated with a higher risk of death in older people.