
The theory that tyrannosaurs were social animals was first suggested 20 years ago. That was when a dozen of the creatures were found at a site in Alberta, Canada. Another such mass death site was later found in Montana. This one in southern Utah again shows that tyrannosaurs died in the same place.


Analysing the bones and rocks, a team of palaeontologists from the University of Arkansas say it suggests the tyrannosaurs came together to prey on other animals, at least when times got tougher and resources were dwindling


These conclusions add to mounting evidence that they may not so much have been lone predators, but hunted in packs like wolves, which makes them, as hard to imagine as that may seem, even more terrifying.



tyrannosaurs 霸王龙
social 善于交际的,合群的
creatures 生物,动物
palaeontologists 古生物学家
prey on 捕食
dwindling 减少,缩小
predators 食肉动物,掠食者
hunted 捕猎
packs (一同生活、猎食的动物)群
terrifying 可怕的,吓人的


1. True or false? Tyrannosaurs have been thought to be social animals throughout history.

2. What does the site in southern Utah show?

3. After analysing bones and rocks, what conclusion was made by the team of palaeontologists from the University of Arkansas?

4. According to the speaker, what makes tyrannosaurs even more terrifying?


1. True or false? Tyrannosaurs have been thought to be social animals throughout history.
False. The theory that tyrannosaurs were social animals was first suggested 20 years ago. 

2. What does the site in southern Utah show?
The site in southern Utah shows that tyrannosaurs died in the same place. 

3. After analysing bones and rocks, what conclusion was made by the team of palaeontologists from the University of Arkansas? 
That tyrannosaurs came together to prey on other animals.

4. According to the speaker, what makes tyrannosaurs even more terrifying?
That they may not so much have been lone predators, but hunted in packs like wolves.

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