Bubble Barrier: A new way to fight plastic pollution in waterways 气泡屏障:应对运河水道塑料污染的新方法
These bubbles are helping to clean up Amsterdam’s canals by tackling plastic pollution in waterways.
Philip Ehrhorn, The Great Bubble Barrier
“Behind me, you see the bubble curtain of our bubble barrier system. We think this is really the last opportunity to capture plastic in our waterways before it flows off into our oceans where it will then start dispersing and some will come back to our beaches, some will sink to the bottom of the ocean. But ultimately, it will start to break down into smaller and smaller pieces.”
菲利普·埃尔霍恩 The Great Bubble Barrier 公司
Amsterdam has 150 kilometres of canals and lots of plastic gets into them.
The inventors estimate the barrier stops 86% of that waste from flowing into the river and out to sea.
Philip Ehrhorn, The Great Bubble Barrier
“So underwater we basically just have a perforated rubber tube. And then we put pressure onto that tube. And then through all the tiny little perforations, small air bubbles will start to rise towards the surface, which create that upwards current that can lift plastic towards the surface, and then guide it towards the catchment system. We see the usual suspects of plastic lids from bottles, cups, fragments of food containers, a lot of tiny little pieces of Styrofoam. This is really everywhere.”
菲利普·埃尔霍恩 The Great Bubble Barrier 公司
“气泡屏障的工作原理基本上就是在水下铺设一根穿孔的橡胶管,然后给橡胶管加压。一些小气泡会因压力穿过管子上的微小孔洞,从下而上冒向水面,从而形成上升气流,将塑料冲到水面上,然后引到集水系统中。这里有我们经常看到的塑料垃圾 —— 瓶盖、杯盖,食品包装容器的碎片,还有很多小的聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料颗粒。这种塑料颗粒真的是无处不在。”
A pump keeps the barrier working 24 hours a day. Then the city’s barges collect the waste.
Aart Breedt Bruijn, Local water authority
“We have three boats going around, and they pick up 42 tonnes of plastics every year. But we can’t go around, catch it at all locations, seven days a week. This is one of the places that whatever we miss, it will be filtered out here.”
阿尔特·布雷特·布鲁因 Waternet 水务公司
Another barrier is planned for Portugal later this year.
This may not stop plastic waste on its own, but it’s helping to reveal the extent of the problem.