你最近有没有遇到一件让你 “喜上眉梢,喜笑颜开” 的好事儿?英语表达 “light up like a Christmas tree” 用 “像圣诞树一样被点亮了” 来比喻人 “喜形于色”。听节目,学习这个地道英语表达的用法。
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大家好,欢迎收听 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。I’m Feifei.
And I’m Beth. We have an expression all about being very happy, particularly when your face suddenly reflects how happy or excited you are. It’s a nice phrase for Christmas, and it has a Christmas word in it – it’s ‘light up like a Christmas tree’.
Light up like a Christmas tree. 这个表达可以被用来形容人喜上眉梢,顿时满面笑容的神情,正如它的字面意思 “像圣诞树一样被点亮(light up a Christmas tree)”。
When you turn on the lights, it’s suddenly much brighter – it’s full of life and energy. Now, imagine this being your face. Last year, I got a puppy for Christmas. It was such a shock. When I saw him, I lit up like a Christmas tree. I was so happy!
Wow. I can imagine your face – so excited! When I was a child, I really wanted a doll’s house. I didn’t expect to get one, but I did! I lit up like a Christmas tree.
So, in both these situations, we were surprised – a happy surprise, and our faces reflected that. But this expression doesn’t always have to be used with a surprise or Christmas.
是的,“light up like a Christmas tree” 除了可以用来描述惊喜,也可以用来表达简单的喜悦之情。比如:Whenever I see my family after a while, I light up like a Christmas tree. 每当我和久别的家人相聚时,就无比高兴。
Yesterday, my nephew lit up like a Christmas tree when I told him we could make a snowman! He was very excited. Let’s hear some more examples.
My girlfriend lit up like a Christmas tree when I asked her to marry me.
When I read him the poem I’d written, he lit up like a Christmas tree.
I lit up like a Christmas tree when I found out I’d got the job.
你正在收听的是 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。以上我们介绍了如何用表达 “light up like a Christmas tree” 来形容人因惊喜或开心而喜笑颜开、喜上眉梢的神情。
Now, we’ve been using it so far metaphorically to mean you look excited about something, but we can also use it more literally, especially when a place is particularly bright, with a lot of lights.
除了用来形容人突然喜笑颜开的神情,这个表达还能描述某个地方的照明或灯光炫彩夺目。比如:I went to Paris last weekend, and at night, the Eiffel Tower was lit up like a Christmas tree! 我上周末去了巴黎,夜晚的埃菲尔铁塔灯光绚丽、光彩夺目!
Ah, yes. It’s covered in lights. It’s always lit up like a Christmas tree at night. I better go, it’s time for our Christmas party! See you next time.
Bye for now!