单词 “perspective” 作名词用,意思和 “人的想法” 有关。它既可以指 “观察问题的视角”,也可以指 “看待问题的角度”。看视频,听例句,学习 “perspective” 的用法。
1. “Perspective” 可以指 “从你所处的位置,看事物的视角、角度”。
- I’m on top of a hill. From this perspective, I can see everything!
- You’ve got a different perspective. What can you see from over there?
2. “Perspective” 也可以指 “(基于个人经历的)观点,想法”。
- This is a really difficult decision. What’s your perspective on it?
- This is just my perspective on the issue. You’re free to voice yours.