
Drone footage reveals sharks hidden just offshore in New York State 无人机影像显示有鲨鱼藏在美国纽约州近海区域


Joanna Steidle, resident, Southampton, New York State
“It’s almost like falling in love. You know, the heart starts pounding. You just want to get as close as you possibly can. Oh my gosh, it’s a whole new world. It’s a whole new perspective. Gives you a sense of how little we actually know.”

乔安娜·斯泰德尔       美国纽约州南安普顿镇居民   

“This is one of my favourite spots to fly early in the morning. I’ve been quite lucky here to find the sharks.”


“Oh, here we go. Let’s go see what’s out there. What I do is I go up and I search for the bait balls. Once I see the school of fish, I go towards it and then I go down low.”

“好了,咱们去看看那边有什么。我通常是先把无人机飞起来,然后搜寻 ‘饵球’,就是受捕食者威胁而聚集成团的鱼群。一旦看到鱼群,我就会操控无人机朝它们飞去,然后下降到离海面很近的位置。”

“I’ve seen a large influx of the sharks within the past five years. I’ve seen them literally 20-30 feet (6-9 metres) offshore. New York State put in effect a ban on using nets to catch the bait fish, and since that point, they have just multiplied. The water has gotten warmer, and with the influx of the bait fish, now we’re seeing a lot more of the predators. Sharks, whales and everything.”


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